
  • Net sales
  • Operating income
  • Ordinary income
  • Profit attributable to owners of parent

Consolidated Financial Summary

 (Millions of yen)

Year Ended March 31, 2020 Year Ended March 31, 2021 Year Ended March 31, 2022 Year Ended March 31, 2023 Year Ended March 31, 2024
Net sales 181,232 169,573 187,018 207,589 229,401
Operating income 13,375 13,288 13,777 11,618 14,571
Ordinary income 14,682 14,633 15,713 13,331 18,717
Profit attributable to owners of parent 9,916 9,287 10,835 8,433 17,830
Net assets 118,714 125,264 140,482 144,117 165,177
Total assets 193,581 205,196 220,609 230,098 256,402
Interest-bearing debt 4,901 3,720 4,505 11,886 8,399
Shareholders' equity ratio(%) 55.2 54.8 56.9 55.6 57.9
Cash flows from operating activities 11,078 21,542 9,846 △2,346 17,498
Cash flows from investing activities -4,341 -7,955 -3,994 1,949 433
Cash flows from financing activities -3,800 -5,866 -6,520 △10,670 △12,104
Free cash flows 6,736 13,586 5,852 -397 17,931
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 28,181 35,840 39,042 31,463 38,987
R&D expenditures 2,208 2,121 2,662 2,590 2,974
Capital investment 3,523 2,831 4,088 4,527 4,120
Number of employees (persons) 10,292 10,423 10,683 11,453 11,818
Net income per share(yen) 122.46 114.52 133.42 106.67 228.55
Diluted net income per share(yen) 122.40 114.46 133.36 106.61 228.44
Net assets per share(yen) 1,318.59 1,385.45 1,549.83 1,640.29 1,901.28
Cash dividends per share(yen) 50 60 70 75 155
Return on shareholders' equity (ROE) (%) 9.5 8.5 9.1 6.7 12.9