2024.08.09 We held Safety lessons.

Since 2013, Fujitec has been conducting Safety lessons. for elementary school pupils to help them ride elevators and escalators safely. We, Fujitec, have been raising their awareness of safe riding for the past 11 years.

The Safety lessons are held at Big Wing, and at elementary schools mainly around Fujitec Tokyo Headquarters. At Big Wing, Fujitec Headquarters (in Shiga Prefecture), we organize a tour of our exhibition facilities (set up inside the Big Wing) for pupils as well as implement events to show a video and an educational quiz game on the safe use of elevators and escalators.

In addition, Fujitec Tokyo Headquarters educates about 130 pupils each year on the safe use of elevators and escalators at the elementary school of Minato Ward in Tokyo Metropolitan by regularly sending Fujitec employees there .

For pupils living in the areas where there are high-rise apartment buildings, etc., raising awareness of crimes against pupils must be considered as a special need. Therefore, we encourage them to pay attention to crime prevention when using elevators.

Outside of Japan, Fujitec India conducted Safety lessons at schools and shopping malls, etc. A total of about 2,000 people were educated to raise awareness of safe use of elevators and escalators. In China, elementary schools are visited to explain the structures and the technologies of elevators and escalators and how to use them safely.

We, Fujitec, will continue to promote the proactive education of all of people to use elevators and escalators with the knowledge of “safety and reliability” now and in the future.




Pupils’ tour of the Big Wing’s exhibition facilities
Many pupils trying to answer the quiz on the method for safe use; Safety lesson  held in the hall of Shirokane Elementary School of Minato Award in Tokyo Metropolitan.

The view of a safety lesson in China
