2023.03.08 The Authorization of Fujitec as a Healthy and Well-Managed Company 2023

Fujitec has been authorized as a Healthy and Well-Managed Company 2023 based on the authorizing system of Healthy and Well-Managed Company.

We are aggressively addressing the issue of the health of the employees under the concept that the employees’ health is a very significant theme to realize the continuous growth of Fujitec Group. As the concrete issues addressed by us, we are strengthening the addressing measures to create the working environments that enable various methods of the employees’ work as well as establishing the support systems in terms of the physical and mental aspects of the employees.

Also, from now on as the company group that provides safe and reliable products and services we will create working places where the employees can respectively and vividly conduct their business activities in a safe and comfortable environment keeping all of the employees healthy physically and mentally.

⋆ The authorizing system of the Healthy and Well-Managed Company is the system with which METI and Japan Health Conference award a company as an especially practiced healthy and well-managed company.
